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GroIMP summer school 2025
In the first week of June 2025, we will host a GroIMP summer school in Göttingen, to give an introduction into the platform, to help people to get started and to give a deeper insight on some specific features.
The summer school is open for all who want to learn how to work with GroIMP – Growth-grammar based Interactive Modelling Platform – and to write models in the rule-based programming language XL. Particularly, it is open for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in Applied Computer Science, Botany, Agriculture, Horticulture or Forest Science with focus on information processing and modelling, and also for interested guests from other disciplines.
Date: 2 June - 5 June, 2025
The summer school will take place in the rooms of the Department of Ecoinformatics, Biometrics and Forest Growth at the University of Göttingen:
Büsgenweg 4,
37077 Göttingen
Göttingen is easily accessible by train, and for accommodation the university provides a list of options.
The language will be English and no congress fee is required. To help us with the planning of the event, please register early. If you would like to present your current work orally or in a poster session, please add a short summary to the registration.
While the introductory lectures will be hybrid, the workshops and the project presentations will only be accessible in person.
Daily schedule