Table of Contents
Objects in GroIMP
This list covers the main objects that can be used in GroIMP and for simulations.
Node based
The following list contains objects that can be added directly to the simulation graph using either the menu or XL-Rules
Turtle commands / L-system Syntax
In GroIMP the result of the extended L-system is interpreted by turtle geometry, therefore these concepts are close connected. The 3d movement in the scene is managed by this commands. In turtle geometry a sequence of commands can be used to describe a structure. These commands are processed by a “turtle” and change either the state or the position of the turtle. By doing so the turtle can add cylinders (with the additions of RGG also other objects) to the scene.
See more:
Geometrical/Primitive objects
GroIMP defines the 3D primitive objects sphere, box, cylinder, cone, frustum, parallelogram, plane, and text label. They can be moved and rotated interactively as explained in Section The 3D User Interface.
See more:
Lights and Sky
The global 3D objects light and sky are contained in GroIMP. They can be placed into the scene similarly to primitive objects. In the wireframe representation, the sky object is displayed as a sphere; its position is irrelevant because it represents a sky sphere at infinity. Visual effects cannot be seen in the wireframe representation, use POV-Ray to get a ray-traced image which makes use of these objects.
Sensors in GroIMP can be used to estimate the power of the rays send by one of the ray tracers without interacting with theses rays. Therefore it allows observation without interference.
Point clouds
Using the point cloud plugin, GroIMP supports list, array and graph based point clouds, and a set of tools to manipulate or cluster them.
See more:
NURBS Curves and Surfaces
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) are a popular and versatile representation of curves and surfaces. GroIMP contains full NURBS support, e.g., techniques to construct NURBS surfaces out of a set of NURBS curves, including surface skinning, surfaces of revolution, extrusion and sweep surfaces. A detailed description of these techniques will follow in later versions of this manual. For the time being, you can experiment with the surface settings in the Attribute Editor. Of course, you have to create a surface via Objects/NURBS/Surface at first.
These kind of objects can be used in a project as additional resources, for e.g. parameterize nodes, or save/load knowledge.
GroIMP comes with an included management of dataset and the ability to visualize them, at the current state these should only be used for smaller amounts of data because the values are stored directly in the project file. tutorials_
To simplify the switching of different angles in the 3d view, it is possible to create Project cameras. A short description can be found here