First steps on light modelling
This tutorial we show you the basics on how to do light modelling in GroIMP. For some more theoretical background pleas refer to the Introduction - A little bit of Theory page. For an advanced tutorial on spectral light modelling check out the Spectral light modelling tutorial.
GroIMP integrates two two main light model implementations, namely:
- Twilight, a CPU-based implementation
- GPUFlux, a GPU-based implementation
While they are both implementing various renderer and light model implementation, they differ in a few details we are not gonna be discuss here. The two main difference however are first that the GPU implementation is several times faster than the CPU implementation and second, that the GPU version is beside the three channel RGB implementation is able to simulate the full visible light spectrum (spectral light modelling).
In the following, we focus on the three channel RGB versions of both the CPU and GPU implementations.
To be continued…