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Resources Bundle

GroIMP uses a bundle approach to link resources and Registry items.

String resources

Most resources used in GroIMP defined in property files are String.

The two main examples are:

  • Name of registry item, usually the name are defined at the plugin level (in E.g. for the menu item _open_ it is defined like:
/ui/commands/open.Name = &Open…
  • Messages to be displayed in GroIMP. Usually these messages are defined at a package level (in _Resources.properties_). E.g. the message dialog of closing a unsaved project has the following properties:
project.savequestion.title = Save Project
project.savequestion.msg = The project {0} has been modified. Save changes?

The _project.savequestion.msg_ can be accesed with:

public static final I18NBundle I18N = I18NBundle.getInstance (UI.class);
UI.I18N.msg ("project.savequestion.msg", VAR)

in this example, the _Resources.property_ file is at the root of the UI.class file, thus it can be accessed with _I18NBundle.getInstance (UI.class)_. In your plugin, you can access your _Resources.property_ by using one class of your package as long as both the .class and .property files are on the same level.

The VAR _PROJECT NAME_ is injected in the property message under {0}. The message can include any numer of parameters used like: _I18N.msg (PROPERTY_NAME, VAR1, VAR2, …)_.

Other object resources

GroIMP bundle also works with other object resources, such as Icon or Image.

In that case, the definition of the resource change slightly. For instance the registry command that define _undo for text_ has the properties:

<code> text.undo.Name = Undo text.undo.ShortDescription = Undo text.undo.Icon = \`icon actions/undo\` <code>

An _Icon_ is defined with _\`icon actions/undo\`_. First the \` symbol at the begining and end of the resource is used to define a non String resource. Then, the property is defined in two part separated by the first space:

  1. the first part, _icon_ in this example, defines the type of resources.
  2. the second part, _actions/undo_ defines its value.

GroIMP uses ResourcesConverter objects to load the given resource into the correct java object. See how to create a new Resource converter.

groimp-platform/resources-bundle.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/12 14:38 by gaetan