Table of Contents

Point Cloud

The objects and tools presented in this wiki mostly comes from the plugin Pointcloud. See here to see how install plugins in GroIMP. The wiki is up to date with the version 1.7 of the plugin.



Object design

In GroIMP point cloud are implemented following the design:

The main Objects are:

These three Objects implements CloudContext, meaning when any of the three is selected, you can access the Cloud structure handled. Most of the tools from the package are applied on Cloud, and produce Cloud objects. The GUI commands however can works with any CloudContext object.

GUI Visualization & Interactions

The PointCloud visualization in the 3d scene of GroIMP follows the classic GroIMP display scene creation (see here for more detail on how GroIMP build the 3d scene).

As part of the GroIMP graph, the PointCloud display follow the local transformations idea. It is displayed after the transformation of each of his potential ancestor in the graph, including his own transformation. The coordinates of the Points are local as well in regards to the PointCloud node. Nodes imported from the GUI menu are added at the root of the graph, thus, PointCloud are by default not having ancestor's transformations to resolve.

Because the representation of PointCloud as graph can lead to huge amount of nodes (each Point being a node), the visitation of the graph for every 3d update can be very time consuming. Thus, PointCloud display are using the graph resolution display tool, which can keep the display in memory and block visitation of the graph. PointCloud are created with a default resolution index of 3, which can be changed in the attribute editor.

The management of the display is push to a CollectionDisplayHandler. There are currently three implementations of the interface:

DisplayHandler require to be pinged to update their data. This can be done manually through the PointCloud using the attribute editor, or automatically when some tools are applied on the PointCloud.

The picking is also managed by the PointCloud through the DisplayHandler. By default, the Points are picked on the 3d scene, but a navigation mode enables to pick the DisplayHandler.

Point Cloud as a graph

Cloud object can be represented as graph in GroIMP, where both the PointCloud and each Point objects are GroIMP Nodes. This structure enables to leverage the power of XL queries onto the point cloud data both for querying and rewriting.

The main objects of a PointCloud as graph are:

GroIMP struggle handling Nodes with huge number of edges. It slows down the graph visiting and the queries processing. Thus, the Cloud data is spread over several layers using IntermediateCloudNode. IntermediateCloudNode are used in order to enables the Points of a PointCloud to be rewritten with minimum modifications in the project graph. Modifications that add/remove/change edges, on Points only affect the leaves of the PointCloud graph.

The PointCloudLeaf can extends imp3d objects to have a 3d geometry. The PointCloudLeaf objects are not limited to “point” as they can have any 3d implemented in GroIMP. However, within one Cloud all Points needs to extends the same Class. That class is defined on the Cloud creation and cannot be modified. To replace a Point of a specific class to another, a new Cloud is required.

Three base implementation of PointCloudLeaf are available: