===== GroIMP User Manual ===== Copyright 2007 Lehrstuhl Grafische Systeme, Brandenburgische Technische Universitt Cottbus Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License". === Table of Contents === [[:User-Manual:pr01|Preface]] * **1.** [[:User-Manual:ch01|Installation]] * **1.1.** [[:User-Manual:ch01#idm26|System Requirements]] * **1.2.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s02|Installation of the Binary Distribution]] * **1.3.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s03|Running GroIMP]] * **1.3.1.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s03#idm62|From the Command Line]] * **1.3.2.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s03#idm82|From Your System's File Browser]] * **1.3.3.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s03#idm86|From a Menu Entry Your Desktop]] * **1.3.4.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s03#idm89|Java Options]] * **1.4.** [[:User-Manual:ch01s04|Installation of Plugins for the Java Image I/O Framework]] * **2.** [[:User-Manual:ch02|Using GroIMP]] * **2.1.** [[:User-Manual:ch02#idm107|User Interface]] * **2.2.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s02|Common Panel Handling]] * **2.3.** [[User-Manual:ch02s03|GroIMP's Projects]] * **2.4.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04|Common Panels]] * **2.4.1.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#idm159|File Explorer]] * **2.4.2.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#idm178|Text Editor]] * **2.4.3.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#idm186|Text Editor jEdit]] * **2.4.4.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04.#idm195|Image Explorer]] * **2.4.5.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#idm208|Attribute Editor]] * **2.4.6.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#idm237|Preferences]] * **2.4.7.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#idm253|Other Explorer Panels]] * **2.5.** [[User-Manual:ch02s05|Import and Export Formats]] * **2.5.1** [[User-Manual:ch02s05|MTG - Multiscale Tree Graph]] === List of Figures === * **2.1.** [[:User-Manual:ch02#f-ui|Screenshot of GroIMP]] * **2.2.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#f-fileexplorer|File Explorer]] * **2.3.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#f-texteditor|Text Editor]] * **2.4.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#f-texteditor-jedit|Text Editor jEdit]] * **2.5.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#f-imgmatattr|Image Explorer, Material Explorer, Attribute Editor]] * **2.6.** [[:User-Manual:ch02s04#f-preferences|Preferences Panel (Metal Look & Feel)]]