===== CLI implementation ===== WIP You can add commands to the cli by extending the CLI plugin. (see //add link//) Then, commands are referred as ''ref cmd'' in the registry. It is also possible to create shortcut for these commands. ===== Get started ===== You can start the CLI application in a terminal with > java -Xverify:none -jar core.jar --headless -a cli Then, to create the default new rgg template project, type ''$createWB''. You can now run the model with `run`, reset with ''compile'', or export the 3d view with ''export3d /path/to/file.x3d''. You can also open your own project with ''$open /path/to/model.gsz''. **Note: the command ''$help'' lists most of the available commands with a description** ===== Tutorial ===== You can have a look at [[:tutorials:Startup-CLI-model|this tutorial]] for more information. ===== Commands ===== The commands are sorted by level of usage. There is currently three levels: at application, window, or workbench level. The first character of a command indicates at which level it should be executed. | **App commands ($)** | | | $pwd | print the current system directory | | $ls | list all files of the current system directory | | $cd (system-path) | change the current system directory | | $editFile (system-path) | open a system file with a default application | | $open (system-path) | open an existing Project file in a new Workbench | | $createWB (selected template(optional), name of the new WB(optional)) | create a new Project based on a RGG template | | $loadExample (identifier of the Example, name of the new WB(optional)) | load an example project | | $listExamples (search parameter (optional)) | list the available examples | | $listTemplates (search parameter (optional)) | list the available templates | | $selectWB (workbench id) | select a new workbench | | $listWB | list all open Workbenches | | $listProjects | list all open projects | | **Window command (%)** | | | only a small selection of the most used panels... | | | %list | list all open windows | | %inspector | shows the hierarchic object inspector | | %inspector:select (tree-id) | select the node | | %inspector:show (tree-id) | opens the properties of the node | | %log | show the log | | %fileexplorer | list all files | | %fileexpolorer:show (file name or id) | opens a file in nano | | **Workbench command** | | | open (system-path) | open an existing Project file in a new Workbench (is equal to $open) | | save | save the file to the original location | | saveas (system-path) | save the file to a new location | | undo | undo last action | | compile | compiles the RGG code | | listFunctions | list all exiting RGG functions of the model | | addNode (system-path or -o object-path) | add a Object form either a file or a 3d object (-o) to the scene | | addFile (system-path) | add a file to the Project, create one if the path is empty | | renameFile (file name , new name) | rename a file | | removeFile (file name) | remove a file | | export3d (system-path) | export the scene to a file | | close | closes the Project | | xlconsole | open the XL console | | graph | shows the hierarchic object inspector | | ls | list all files of the Project | | editFile (file name) | open Nano to edit a file |