GroIMP load doclet.xml files on startup that contains description of methods and classes. ==== Access Descriptor files in runtime ==== The loaded content is added in the runtime registry under ''/plugins/statics''. This directory should have the three directories: ''methods'', ''fields'', and ''classes''. The java objects used are [[|ContentDescriptionType]] ==== Generating a doclet xml file ==== The doclets files are automatically created with the maven build of a project, if it contains the following information: * List of files to includes * Plugin execution in pom Both steps are defined in the pom.xml file of your project. They are added in the section. === Add files to be included === The included files are moved from the source code to the correct repository by maven with the plugin: maven-resources-plugin 3.0.2 copy-class-for-xmldoc generate-sources copy-resources ${basedir}/target/source-xmldoc/de/grogra src/main/java/de/grogra rgg/ ... OTHER FILES ... move-xmldoc prepare-package copy-resources ${basedir}/target/classes/xmldoc ${basedir}/target/site/apidocs/xmldoc doclet.xml === Declare the plugin execution === This do not need to be modified: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-javadoc-plugin com.saxonica.xmldoclet.XmlDoclet false com.saxonica xmldoclet 0.4.0 com.github.javaparser javaparser-core 3.25.4 none xmldoc ${basedir}/target/source-xmldoc ${project.groupId} ${project.artifactId} ${project.version} generate-xml-doclet process-classes javadoc === Complete pom file example === Look at the RGG plugin pom.xml file.