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rgg:rgg-manual [2024/05/07 11:56] – [XL and Java extension] gaetanrgg:rgg-manual [2024/10/11 13:00] (current) – [XL and Java extension] gaetan
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 Within a XL (or RGG) file, it is possible to write both XL code and Java code. XL sections are defined with ''['' '']'' brackets. Java sections are defined with ''{'' ''}'' brackets. Within a XL (or RGG) file, it is possible to write both XL code and Java code. XL sections are defined with ''['' '']'' brackets. Java sections are defined with ''{'' ''}'' brackets.
 +It is highly recommended to learn a basic usage of [[|Java]] to efficiently code in RGG.
 See more: See more:
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   * [[:rgg:basic_operations|XL basic operations]]   * [[:rgg:basic_operations|XL basic operations]]
   * [[:rgg:basic_objects|XL class and methods]]   * [[:rgg:basic_objects|XL class and methods]]
 +  * [[:tutorials:rgg-code-structure | Introdcution to rgg code structure]]
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 //Growth grammars// are a rule-based approach to the modelling of dynamic systems. In contrast to conventional imperative programming languages, rule-based approaches provide a natural and concise way of modelling: Most systems to be modeled behave according to a set of rules, and our perception works this way and not imperatively using a list of operations which have to be processed step by step. //Growth grammars// are a rule-based approach to the modelling of dynamic systems. In contrast to conventional imperative programming languages, rule-based approaches provide a natural and concise way of modelling: Most systems to be modeled behave according to a set of rules, and our perception works this way and not imperatively using a list of operations which have to be processed step by step.
-Relational growths grammars (RGG) are part of the current research at the [[|Chair for Practical Computer Science / Graphics Systems]] at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany) and its cooperation partners. They are defined as a unification of L-systems and graph grammars. This user manual explains how relational growths grammars are used within GroIMP, more information about relational growth grammars can be found at the web page [[|]], more information about the programming language XL, which is used within GroIMP as an implementation of the calculus of relational growth grammars, can be found in the [[:GroIMP-Platform:XL-language|XL language speficication]].+Relational growths grammars (RGG) are part of the current research at the [[|Chair for Practical Computer Science / Graphics Systems]] at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus (Germany) and its cooperation partners. They are defined as a unification of L-systems and graph grammars. This user manual explains how relational growths grammars are used within GroIMP, more information about relational growth grammars can be found at the web page [[|]], more information about the programming language XL, which is used within GroIMP as an implementation of the calculus of relational growth grammars, can be found in the [[|XL language speficication]].
 See more: See more:
rgg/rgg-manual.1715075816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/07 11:56 by gaetan